Sunday, March 4, 2007

Bloglines - Exercise #8

I've completed the Bloglines exercise - I'm not sure the added benefits of Bloglines would benefit me enough to switch over from just subscribing to RSS feeeds directly using IE Favorites. I guess Bloglines offers feeds to sites or Blogs that don't offer an easy to use RSS button on their site.
I think the RSS concept is one that will benefit me at work particularly. I've been using the SOLS RSS feed for the past couple of months and have found that I do actually check it weekly. The others I subscribed to at the same time- CBC news, Recent Recalls etc.- I haven't had the time or need to check at work, so I've deleted those.

ANYWAY - here is my sharing URL

Time to go for a walk and play with horses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.